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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Watch Kynlee Grow :)

[[Watch Kynlee Grow]]
Birth 8.13.09: 7 lbs 11 oz
4 days old: 6 lbs 14.7 oz
5 days old: 7 lbs 3.6 oz
2 weeks old: 8.08 lbs
5 weeks 4 days old: 9 lbs 5.2 oz

Monday, September 28, 2009

Please help!

Dear Friends,

This year I have signed up to walk in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and I’m hoping you’ll support me. I know that there are a lot of breast cancer events out there, but Making Strides speaks to me because funds raised enable the American Cancer Society to help people stay well and get well from breast cancer, find cures, and empower people to fight back today. With your help, we can save lives.

They say that every donation makes a difference, and it really is true. I know that times are tighter than normal for many of us, but if you can spare even $5, it truly will make a difference. If everyone walking in Making Strides this year were able to raise just $5 more, we would raise an additional $3 million to fight breast cancer. Imagine what an incredible difference we could make together!

To support me in my efforts, please visit my personal page. If you’re going to be in town, I’d love for you to join my team and walk with me. If not, please support my efforts with a donation of whatever amount you can spare.

As a little extra inspiration, I thought you might like to know a few of the ways your donation will help the American Cancer Society save lives every day:

* More people in our community will have the information and tools they need to help prevent breast cancer or find it early.
* More people with breast cancer will have a place to turn around the clock to help them through every step of their cancer journey whether it’s a free ride to treatment, a place to stay, or just talking to someone who has "been there."
* More progress will be made toward finding breast cancer’s causes and cures. The American Cancer Society has played a role in nearly every major breast cancer breakthrough of the last century, which have led to the discovery of lifesaving breast cancer treatments like Tamoxifen and Herceptin. You will help us find more.
* More women like our own mothers, daughters, sisters, and grandmothers will have access to lifesaving mammograms and treatment they need.

Each of us has our own reasons for caring about the fight against breast cancer … whatever your reasons, I hope you’ll choose to make a difference by signing up to walk with me or making a donation online to support my effort. I’m so grateful to have great people like you in my life who care about breast cancer! Together we will make a difference, make history, and make strides.


Emily Hudson

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our little princess is here!

She is 2 weeks old today :D

Thursday, August 6, 2009

oh life..

the past two days I have been feeling rather rough. My heartburn has gotten ten million times worse (which I never thought was possible) and I have been nauseous to the point I do not want to get off the couch. I know I need to stop being lazy and get up but I just don't feel good. It makes me wonder how I am going to be a good mom sometimes if I am so lazy in everyday life. I guess you always start doubting things right before you have a baby. I just hope my body does what it is supposed to so I do not have to have a c-section. My dad has plane tickets to come up the 17th so I pray that I really do get induced on the 18th so my family can be here. We will see more on Monday but hopefully i will have progressed more or else I am gonna be stuck not knowing what to do. She has stopped moving so much and I guess she is running out of room but it freaks me out. I am just ready for her to be out safe and sound :)

Last night I developed like a million and ten stretch marks. They get worse by the minute. Matt thinks its pretty funny but I hate them. They are ugly but I can handle ugly but they itch so bad. I am just lathering up with lotion and oil to stop the itch. I hope I can get back in shape after having her, it stresses me out to think about. I don't want her to have an unhealthy weighted mother. I know my body needs to be in much better shape afterward so I am determined to work at it.

I think I am just babbling so thats all.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Jean's ready to fight!

Here are some pictures of jean at the doctor with her pink boxing gloves. She is a fighter already and is ready to fight this disease. Please pray for her battle with breast cancer.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

the only jacksons i'll be mourning over...

The cause of Mr. Jackson's death was obvious to anyone who saw him.

Really, no autopsy was necessary.

It was cardiac arrest. Caused by a roadside bomb.

I'm not talking about Michael Jackson, the supposedly drug-addled entertainer whose death has dominated every waking moment these past few days.

Instead, as we head toward Independence Day, I found a few other Jacksons whose deaths didn't receive the attention they should have.

Let's start with Army Spec. Marlon P. Jackson, who was the first American soldier named Jackson to be killed in Iraq.

It was Nov 11, 2003 that Spec. Jackson's vehicle rolled over the detonator on an improvised explosive device, better known as an IED. Nobody called 911. It just blew up and ripped him apart.

CNN didn't break in. The Internet didn't report that a 25-year-old named Jackson was headed to a field hospital. Teary-eyed fans and supporters didn't deliver flowers to his boyhood home in New Jersey.

He just died while serving our country. A while later, his family found out.

It was a similar story for Jackson #2, less than a year later.

This Jackson was a military woman. The cause of Ms. Jackson's death was also obvious to anyone who saw her.

No autopsy needed.

Cardiac arrest.

Roadside bomb.

Army Pfc. Leslie D. Jackson was just an 18-year-old from Richmond, Virginia.

She died in Baghdad as the truck she was driving returning to the security of Camp Eagle. TMZ, the celebrity Web site, didn't rush an Internet bulletin about Pfc. Jackson's death and how she had loved to shop and do her nails, according to a friend.

She wasn't a superstar.

She was just another dead soldier.

"The Army is what she wanted. That's why there are no regrets," said her aunt, Pearl Roberts, in another interview that you never saw.

Next was Army Chief Warrant Officer Kyle E. Jackson. On Jan. 13, 2006, Chief Jackson was in a Warrior helicopter near Al Sukar, Iraq when the chopper came under small-arms fire.

This Jackson, 28, had no security entourage protecting him. And he couldn't dance his way past the enemy gunfire. Chief Jackson, from Sarasota, Florida, was killed.

There were no instant TV specials about his death or how he was a decorated Marine before moving over to the Army and how he had been awarded the Purple Heart. Magazine covers weren't changed at the last minute to accommodate a picture story with his grieving widow Betsy and two young children.

Then there was Staff Sgt. William S. Jackson II of Saginaw, Michigan. No autopsy needed on this Jackson, 29.

During combat operations at Ramadi, Iraq he was blown up by a roadside bomb. Even though "Jack," as he was known to friends, died on Veteran's Day, his demise warranted only cursory attention.

The story would have been remarkable. Lived an actual "white glove" kind of life. From a military family, he met his wife at a Wisconsin Bible college. After surviving a tour in Afghanistan, he volunteered for Iraq. And died there, leaving behind four children under age 6.

"Certainly Jack loved the Lord and loved his family. He loved his wife, and he loved his country. He was a wonderful man, and we'll dearly miss him" said his pastor.

Although there were no global memorials for Jack Jackson, he is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Finally, just last year, came the last Jackson who died in the line of duty. Army Spec. Dustin C. Jackson, 21, of Arlington, Texas was killed on March 12, 2008. His vehicle was hit by ricochet fire while driving in Tallil, Iraq. The only morphine this Jackson has available was the inject pen that soldiers carry into battle in case their buddy is wounded.

When the local newspaper did a brief write-up on Dustin Jackson he was remembered as a child who "once raced home to ask his mother to make a grilled-cheese sandwich so he could take it to a homeless woman he had seen. As an adolescent, he wanted to give a pair of his shoes to a homeless man."

When friends sent him off at a farewell party, Jackson said a desire to help other soldiers in Iraq overrode fear for his own life.

The ultimate irony for all of them, these Jackson Five of the Iraq war, is that they could have been the subjects of a recent song by their much more famous and celebrated namesake, Michael Jackson.

It's called "What More Can I Give." The lyrics begin: "How many people would have to die before we understand. How many children have to cry before we do all we can. What have I got that I can give?"

The Jackson Five I wrote about understood. They truly gave all they could.

• Chuck Goudie, whose column appears each Monday, is the chief investigative reporter at ABC 7 News in Chicago. The views in this column are his own and not those of WLS-TV. He can be reached by e-mail at and followed at


It's august yay! Which means I will get to meet this crazy little princess inside me who is insistent on bruising my ribs and making me so uncomfortable! lol. I hope she comes soon! I have no signs tho lol. I go back to the dr on Monday and we will see if I have made any more progress but I highly doubt it. Today I have been trying to clean the house and get all of the laundry and everything done just in case she decides to come early. I am so anxious and impatient but not looking forward to the pain of labor lol.

This week has been kinda rough for my family. Our good family friend Jean has been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She and her husband are both in wheelchairs and have been their whole lives with cerebral palsy so chemo is def going to take a told on her. They are both two of the strongest people I have ever known. I wish I could be home to just give her a hug. She is determined to fight this. She even wore a pair of pink boxing gloves to the dr :) I know God has a plan for her but it's going to be a tough battle and I just pray she beats it. My nana beat it twice so I know it is possible! Any prayers are greatly appreciated. :)

here are some pics to put a face to a name!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dilated :D

So I went to the dr today expecting to still be closed up tight since I don't have any contractions or any signs of her coming but I am 1 cm dilated. YAY! The dr said my cervix is really thick still though but at least there is some progress. I saw a brand new dr today. It was his first day at the office but I liked him. He seemed nice but man it hurt when he checked me. OUCH. I was cramping for a while afterward but he said I would be.

I am going to start walking, walking, walking and try to be more progressed next appt which is Monday. I am also gonna bounce of my workout ball. They say it helps speed things up too. I hope she comes on her own before I would get induced but we will see.

Matthew is so excited and he says he is tired of waiting lol. It is so cute. I can't wait to see him as a daddy. He will be the best daddy! This week I think I will try to get everything all done just in case I progress fast, although I don't see that happening lol.

Just a quick update!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

getting close.

Its hard to fathom that in just 3 1/2 weeks I will no longer just be me, but I will have a baby solely dependent on me and Matthew. WOAH. i cannot wait but it is kinda scary too. Matthew will be leaving for WLC when she is 2 weeks old so I believe I am going to go home to TN, which will be great to see everyone but also crazy bc obviously none of her stuff is there. But I will handle it more when the time comes. I go to the dr on Monday and I start getting checked for dialation. I doubt I have done anything but it would be nice if I had :D

I am so uncomfortable now. The pubic bone/pelvis pain is INSANE! I actually cried the other night bc I couldn't move. Oh man, I felt like a wimp but I am still determined to do this naturally. I know my body was made to handle it so it will be okay as long as it's not medically necessary for me to have meds. I hate even taking tylenol so I def don't want pain meds!

I have tried to do more walking this week and hopefully matthew will go walking with me tonight so I can start progressing! I have started making bows, and trying to learn to sew and I am exciting to see her in her little outfits with her bows!

Okay enough rambling, I have to get this house clean. AHHH overwhelming to think it has to be baby proof haha.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

5 more weeks :D

So in 5 more weeks I should have my baby girl here! If she doesn't come on her own by Aug 18th then I should be induced that day so that Matt can have 2 full weeks with her before he goes to WLC for 3 weeks. Stupid army has to take him away but I know I will be okay. I am so anxious to get to meet this little one who has taken over my insides haha. I finally finished her room and got everything set up yesterday and its so cute :D

My mom and brother are visiting this week and its nice to have family around! We went shopping today and bought me a sewing machine and I'm gonna learn how to make Kynlee some outfits and blankets. woohoo. I am going to try to learn how to make bows too! yay! Tomorrow and Thursday we are going to tour D.C. and I think it's going to be fun! :)

At my next dr appt they start checking for dialation. its getting close. So exciting :D

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

its been a while

we have had a lot happen since i last wrote in here. We are all moved to VA and i personally don't like it but hey it's somewhere to live for the time being. Matt seems to like his job which is good and I do like my dr but having no friends really bites lol. I have already been home to TN twice (in april and then again in may) i was in a wedding and then my baby shower was in may. Also i am going home next week for my sisters wedding. its been a busy few months! I only have 10 1/2 weeks left till little Kynlee Grace is here. Time is flying but dragging too lol. I am now having dr appts every 2 weeks and things are going good. Im tired of gaining weight but if shes healthy i don't mind :D I thought i'd post some pics of her room and the latest ultrasound we had done.
29 weeks 2 days

Friday, March 27, 2009


So we went on Wednesday to have our big ultrasound and she had her legs open the whole time and it's a girl! :D

The whole thing took about an hour bc she wouldn't cooperate and let the tech get her measurements but she finally did. And she's measuring right about on sched just a few days early so it's great! We couldn't get great pics bc she had her hands in front of her face the whole time lol. But we are so excited :D

The movers came yesterday so we have no furniture and we have tons of cleaning to do but we leave on Tuesday for VA. It's nuts and i'm nervous to not know anyone but I think it'll be great!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Feeling HUGE

ugh so I used to complain that I wasn't showing and now I can't stop stressing about how much I have gained. Its not that I am even showing that much but I feel like I have gained too much. I have gained 9-10 lbs and Im only 18 weeks. Some say that's average which I think it is for a normal weight range person but I was already considered overweight pre pregnancy so I am on a stricker gaining schedule and I am over what i need to be. BLAH! I am trying to motivate myself to workout everyday doing my lil dvd I got and I did it 3 times this week but yesterday I didn't and today I am being way lazy. I at least have gone walking everyday this week so at least I am doing something. I wish I would just stop freaking out and gain whatever I gain but I don't wanna be huge. oh well i guess its part of being pregnant.

We have our big ultrasound in 5 days and I am getting super excited and also paranoid that our little peanut won't show his or her stuff lol. I really am dying to know what we are having!

We are getting really close to moving and it's getting stressful and exciting too! Only about a week and a half left. It's nuts! I've got a lot done besides organizing this house but it'll come together, i know it will!

well all for now :D

Friday, March 6, 2009


So we went to the dr on Monday and it took them forever to find the heartbeat on the doppler lol. The lil peanut wanted to move around too much but we finally got it strong and it was 155. I still check it everyday but it's just nice when the doctor confirms it :D I also got my anatomy scan ultrasound scheduled for March 25th. I pray the baby shows us his or her stuff so we can know. Only 19 days and im so flipping excited! I'm gonna drink a big glass of orange juice so the baby will be active lol. I cannot wait to start buying stuff. only 4 more weeks until i am halfway done, that's just crazy to me. Matt says my stomach is huge but I just feel rather fat lol. It's not a good feeling but it'll be well worth it :D

I only have one week left of work, thank goodness. Then it's organizing/packing time and time to move! I am so excited to move but sad to leave my good neighbors! I am going home the 17th and it'll be good to see my family since they won't be around my entire pregnancy.

But anyway just a quick update bc I have to get ready for work. But life is truely amazing and I thank God for everything we are blessed with. Things could always be better or worse but just be okay with what life deals you! Faith doesn't make things easy but it makes things possible!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

baby fever :)

Well lately I am like obsessed with knowing what I am having. It's driving me nuts lol. I guess it's more the fact of not knowing when I will get to find out. I go to the dr in two days and hopefully they will order me an ultrasound for the end of march. if not i'll prob end up paying for one lol. I found the cutest bedding for a boy. It's teddy bears and really could be used for either sex but since I am obsessed with pink I may have to go more girly but idk.

Matts mom told us she will buy the crib for us which is awesome. I found one for 299 at target and its a 4 in 1 and I love it. It kinda scares me looking to buy stuff when I still have so long to go but i guess it doesn't hurt to look! lol.

I have gained like 5-6 lbs now and I don't like it bc I just feel fat. I don't really fit into anything and i'm still too small for my maternity clothes so i just wear sweats alot which is fine but i feel so ugly. its driving me nuts.

We move at the end of the month.. oh jeez. I only have 2 weeks of work left and then it is clean time. I can't wait to get everything organized for the move so i can feel less stressed. The movers should come the 26th and we leave the 31st. We already got the housing on post we wanted. we only had two options since we only get a 2 bdr and they only had 2 options. We really need a 3 bdr bc of all our workout equipment but we will have to make do. although its stressing me too lol.

Having the doppler is just about the greatest thing ever. I check the heartbeat almost everyday and I can hear the baby move and it's just so awesome and calms my nerves. I am still nervous daily but I have faith :) I am kinda wanting a boy now but I will be oh so happy with a girl too! Okay enough rambling!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pregnancy isn't so fun right now

So I am so thankful to be pregnant, don't get me wrong but so far this pregnancy has sucked. The ultrasounds and hearing the heartbeat are simply amazing but that is about the only thing that has kept my spirits up. I thankfully didn't have morning sickness too bad. i got very nauseous a lot but never threw up but I just don't feel good or comfortable at all. I have a cold again, no voice, and just feel awful. I am taking benadryl but it doesn't do anything really so I have just been resting. But my husband feels like all I do is lay in bed and not want him around. I am so moody and depressed and just BLAH it's ridiculous. I don't know if it's my hormones or being sick or the stress of moving or what but it sucks. I just want to enjoy it but it's so not enjoyable right now. But anyway, I am almost out of the first trimester so maybe I will get some energy back. :)

I am supposed to get the doppler I rented in the mail tomorrow so that will be exciting! I have tomorrow off work so I am going to do some much needed cleaning. We thought we would finally have a long weekend together but the one day we both have off he ends up with CQ all day and night. Ugh sucks. lol. But at least it'll give me a chance to clean.

Anyway, hopefully I can snap out of this funk soon bc it's depressing.

Monday, February 9, 2009

woot woot. good day.

We had our ultrasound this morning and everything looked good. It was so cool to see how much our baby has progressed! The heartbeat was 150 and going strong. According to my due date(aug 21) I am 12 wks and 3 days but the baby was measuring 13 wks and 2 days which would be Aug 15th. I'm not sure if they will change the due date or not bc I am not going to see the dr until March 2nd but either way I know my baby is doing good. And I am almost out of the first trimester and my baby is measuring just days away from it woot! The cyst they found last time was gone so that was a blessing!

I also just rented a doppler for a month. I wanna try one out before I buy one so I should get it within 2-5 business days. i am excited to be able to hear the heartbeat whenever I want. So anyway, today went well and I am so thankful for the little blessing God has given us. I can't wait to be further along! :D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Blah blah blah. stress.

So we found out the other day we are no longer moving to Ft Belvoir but to a little bitty base called Ft Myer. It is right beside Arlington National Cemetery and down the street from the Pentagon. Great location sure, but they don't even have housing on post. I was already stressed about it but now knowing they don't have housing it stresses me out even more. They supposed have some rentals for military that waive sec deposits and all that but since his orders changed he doesn't even have new ones yet so we can't even start the housing process. I mean yes, we have 2 months to figure it all out but I like to have things done in advance and well the military won't let you work that way lol. UGH.

Also I have been stressing way to much about something going wrong with the baby. I guess it's bc I am not showing like at all, don't feel the baby bc it's too early and am not feeling terrible anymore so I don't really feel pregnant but then again I have said this a lot lol. The spotting really scared bc there shouldn't be a reason for it and the dr didn't do anything to find a reason but I guess since the heartbeat was found that everything should be fine. I have an ultrasound on Monday and am just praying for good results :D I guess all the horror stories of miscarriages out there make me so nervous.

anyway just a small update, i have like the worst headache ever. blah.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sickness & Spotting

So last week was rough. I went to work on Monday but then I got sick with an awful cold on Monday night and ended up being out the rest of the week. I was all set to go back on Thursday and then I ended up with the stomach bug and that sucked. But this week my cold isn't quite as strong so I have been able to go to work :)

Monday I woke up and had some spotting. It wasn't bad but I had been cramping terribly since Saturday so it really worried me. I called the dr and they said to come in as soon as I could so I woke Matt up to take me. They looked for the heartbeat on the doppler and found it almost immediately! So that made me feel good. The heartbeat was strong at 150. So now I don't have another appt until March 2nd which makes me nervous but I will deal with it. I just pray nothing else goes wrong before then. I have another ultrasound on Monday so I am excited for that and just keeping faith nothing bad will happen! That's really all I can do.

We move at the end of March and I am really getting excited! I am going to go home for a week or so a week or so after we get settled in for Megans wedding and it'll be nice to be home for a little while although it will be strange not having hubs with me but he should be able to drive down for the wedding at least :D

Sunday, January 25, 2009


So I went on Thursday to get my u/s results and he said everything looks great with the baby but they found a cyst on my left ovary. He said by the look of it, it should go away on it's own so I'm praying it will! I go back for another u/s on Feb 9th to see whats going on with it! He also tried to hear the heartbeat again with the doppler and this time he found it! I was so excited! I am 10 1/2 weeks and so ready to be out of the first trimester. I am still nauseous a lot but still haven't thrown up so I feel lucky! lol.

I am working again but honestly wish I wasn't. The kids at the daycare are sick so often that it's just not healthy for me to work there. BUT we need the extra money before we move. So I only have 2 1/2 more months so I think I will tough it out.

We found a house in VA in Woodbridge that I think we are going to rent. Its 3 Bedroom and 2 Bath. Its not very big but it comes with washer & dryer and has a garage. So it sounds good to me. Some people have told me the area isn't too great but then someone else said it wasn't bad at all so I am just going to pray it's the place for us! :)

Other than that, I go back to the dr on the 19th.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So I had an ultrasound yesterday and was so nervous. Matthew didn't get to go with me bc he had his own appt to go to so I had to go alone. They did one on my stomach first. It was hard to see detail since its so small still but we could see the heartbeat and then I got to hear it. They said it was 171 bpm! I was sooo relieved and excited! They did the stomach one for a while and then did a vaginal one to make sure the bleeding spot I had wasn't there anymore. I could see the baby much more clearer and I could see the baby moving all around and the arms and legs! It was so cool! :) I got some pics for Matthew and the family! I feel so much better now and am leaving the baby in God's hands bc I know He has this in His will! The bleeding spot was all gone too so I felt so happy! Our little baby is growing well and has a strong heartbeat so continue to pray for our little miracle! :D


Monday, January 19, 2009

Dr appt.

So I am 9 weeks and 3 days today and had my first dr appt with the new dr. I have been feeling not so pregnant lately and really nervous so i was hoping to feel better after this appt but im still nervous. we did a lot of paperwork- transferring all my stuff from my old dr. and then i had a pap done which was oh so painful thanks to my endometriosis! LOVELY! lol. They tried to hear the heartbeat with the doppler but couldn't since I am still so early, or at least i hope that is why! They scheduled me for an ultrasound tomorrow so i am praying for a strong healthy heartbeat and baby. i am so nervous tho! Anyway- just an update! I am due on Aug 21st! woot.

Our wedding ceremony!

Our wedding ceremony!

Homecoming! :D

Homecoming! :D

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days
Baby measuring 6 weeks 1 day

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