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Saturday, February 28, 2009

baby fever :)

Well lately I am like obsessed with knowing what I am having. It's driving me nuts lol. I guess it's more the fact of not knowing when I will get to find out. I go to the dr in two days and hopefully they will order me an ultrasound for the end of march. if not i'll prob end up paying for one lol. I found the cutest bedding for a boy. It's teddy bears and really could be used for either sex but since I am obsessed with pink I may have to go more girly but idk.

Matts mom told us she will buy the crib for us which is awesome. I found one for 299 at target and its a 4 in 1 and I love it. It kinda scares me looking to buy stuff when I still have so long to go but i guess it doesn't hurt to look! lol.

I have gained like 5-6 lbs now and I don't like it bc I just feel fat. I don't really fit into anything and i'm still too small for my maternity clothes so i just wear sweats alot which is fine but i feel so ugly. its driving me nuts.

We move at the end of the month.. oh jeez. I only have 2 weeks of work left and then it is clean time. I can't wait to get everything organized for the move so i can feel less stressed. The movers should come the 26th and we leave the 31st. We already got the housing on post we wanted. we only had two options since we only get a 2 bdr and they only had 2 options. We really need a 3 bdr bc of all our workout equipment but we will have to make do. although its stressing me too lol.

Having the doppler is just about the greatest thing ever. I check the heartbeat almost everyday and I can hear the baby move and it's just so awesome and calms my nerves. I am still nervous daily but I have faith :) I am kinda wanting a boy now but I will be oh so happy with a girl too! Okay enough rambling!

1 comment:

Allison said...

You should be finding out the sex soon, you already have 15 weeks down :) You'll find out by 20 weeks for sure, I found out at 18, I'm thinking you'll find out at 19 weeks since that will be your next appointment!! YAY!!!!!

Good Luck with the upcoming move, moving is usually a hassle :(

Can't wait to hear an update after your appointment!

Our wedding ceremony!

Our wedding ceremony!

Homecoming! :D

Homecoming! :D

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days
Baby measuring 6 weeks 1 day

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