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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pregnancy isn't so fun right now

So I am so thankful to be pregnant, don't get me wrong but so far this pregnancy has sucked. The ultrasounds and hearing the heartbeat are simply amazing but that is about the only thing that has kept my spirits up. I thankfully didn't have morning sickness too bad. i got very nauseous a lot but never threw up but I just don't feel good or comfortable at all. I have a cold again, no voice, and just feel awful. I am taking benadryl but it doesn't do anything really so I have just been resting. But my husband feels like all I do is lay in bed and not want him around. I am so moody and depressed and just BLAH it's ridiculous. I don't know if it's my hormones or being sick or the stress of moving or what but it sucks. I just want to enjoy it but it's so not enjoyable right now. But anyway, I am almost out of the first trimester so maybe I will get some energy back. :)

I am supposed to get the doppler I rented in the mail tomorrow so that will be exciting! I have tomorrow off work so I am going to do some much needed cleaning. We thought we would finally have a long weekend together but the one day we both have off he ends up with CQ all day and night. Ugh sucks. lol. But at least it'll give me a chance to clean.

Anyway, hopefully I can snap out of this funk soon bc it's depressing.


Allison said...

My sickness was the same way, never threw up but felt horrible. A few weeks into my second trimester I started feeling MUCH better, I'm sure you will too.

Have fun cleaning tomorrow.

Allison said...

PS get yourself the Pregnancy Week by Week book. I was checking it out when I was in Target, it shows you a picture of your baby every week, plus tells you whats going on.

Our wedding ceremony!

Our wedding ceremony!

Homecoming! :D

Homecoming! :D

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days
Baby measuring 6 weeks 1 day

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