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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Oh the time sits still while waiting...

So matthew got a date to leave Iraq today and told me when he is flying out so now the countdown has really begun! :D He should be home for halloween and I ordered us some costumes today! woot woot! Here is his: Photobucket and here is mine: Photobucket He is my prisoner of loveeee. muahahaha lol.

I am getting so excited for our lives to finally be normal but I can't really even fathom having him be apart of my everyday life. It will be such a nice change! :D We really want to take a vacation on his leave and I almost booked us a Disney cruise last night but I decided we better just wait until the next block leave (prob in like a yr haha). We are going to go home for xmas and to michigan too so we will surely find something fun to do in between!

I applied for college today but I am not sure how it is all going to work since I will have to do online until I get there so I emailed them and hopefully will get a response. It is all pretty stressful and I would like to get it taken care of and set up for the most part before matthew gets home so I'm not stressing. But who knows.

My bday is in 3 days(well really 2 now since its almost midnight). It is really weird being up here alone for it. I wanted to go home but the briefings are on my bday and bible study is monday and it was just too hectic. I really miss my friends and family and most of all I miss my two favorite kids, Eli & Delaney. I never knew how much a special bond with a child could mean to you until now. Blah it's sad :(

Okay enough rambling... time to sleep. Church in the a.m. :D

1 comment:

Allison said...

I'm so happy to hear that you got a date for homecoming, that's an awesome thing for you and I'm glad your countdown can really begin now.

I love your halloween costumes, and I'm jealous that you can wear one like that I'd never be able to pull it off :)

Our wedding ceremony!

Our wedding ceremony!

Homecoming! :D

Homecoming! :D

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days
Baby measuring 6 weeks 1 day

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