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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

anger, birthday, and life

So monday was supposed to be good, I had an amazing bible study and was feeling great about life and everything. I go home to get a phone call from my husband saying he had something to tell me but didn't want to ruin my birthday. So I proceeded to make him tell me and he had more army dilemma. So this time the army decides after he has already signed his orders for us to move to Ft Belvoir that he doesn't have enough time left on his contract to move. He would only have 14 months when we get there and he needs 24. So they tell him, he has an option to reenlist, to extend his contract for the remainder 10 months (without re enlisting, or extra bonus), or to just stay at drum until his contract is up. Of course by this point I don't really care what happens bc I look at it as this, no matter what we do the army is gonna do whatever they want with us. It's like a never ending battle for stabilization. I try not to get angry but I am. I'm angry that they do this to us so many times and yet my husband is still gone. I am angry that he is still gone after a year and that I am stuck in waiting. I hate to be angry but it like overwhelms me sometimes. So finally we decided to just extend his contract for 10 months with no money or re enlisting. We decided this bc if he stays at Drum he will more than likely get stop lossed and deployed again. At Belvoir, he is supposed to not be able to deploy. Now in all honesty I don't really believe that but maybe they will keep their word for once. Who knows, only time will tell. He is trying to get the extension all set up but has to wait for something else to come off his record before he can so once again we are just waiting. BLAH.

My 22nd birthday was yesterday. I was in a terrible mood and was mean to Matt. I was just mad I was alone and it just sucked. My family put together some great lil care package/fun stuff for me to open and it made me smile but I was still in a bad mood. I was supposed to go out to eat with Heather but I missed my homecoming briefings at 10 so I had to go to the ones at 5:30. But I did learn a lot of information and it made it seem so close but I am very impatient at this point.

But now I just am waiting for things to happen. My life is really boring here with no one to even go eat with or anything. There is no friend I have here so it just sucks. Im in a state of Blah. I know God has a plan and a reason for this but sometimes I just wish I knew what they were.

Cleaning time...

1 comment:

Allison said...

opps I deleted so here it is again

I'm so sorry to hear this! It's never an easy thing, I dealt with the same type of thing not knowing if I was moving or not, first it was just him going then me and now just him, so we'll see what ends up happening. I hope that once you two do move that he really won't have to deploy, that right there would make the move all worth it to me :)

I made a sign, very simple though, I'm going to take it with me tomorrow so we'll see if I end up using it ha ha

Our wedding ceremony!

Our wedding ceremony!

Homecoming! :D

Homecoming! :D

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days

Our peanut @ 6 weeks 3 days
Baby measuring 6 weeks 1 day

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