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Friday, September 19, 2008

Distance Learning...

So I have tried to figure out how I can still go to school starting in Jan since the army decided to randomly move us in April and I cannot finish a semester here in NY sooo I have found a community college in VA and they have distance learning. I've been reading a lot on it and think I am going to do it but deadlines are like so soon for everything and it's all baffling me. I can't figure out even where to begin. Man, I just need a personal assistant to be my brain until my husband comes home because it's dead right now lol. I think I am just going to call the school and get my steps in order to get it all set up bc even if something were to happen and us not go, then it wouldn't be like I had to pay for it if I'm not going. I think it's better to go ahead and apply for financial aid and all that good stuff. I just want a degree, at this point I just wanna be in school. I feel like it's the major thing in life that I have failed at but I am determined to get a college degree and I am going to :) Even if it takes me till I am 35, although I really hope it doesn't. haha.

I thought my life was complicated before the joys of the army but now I can't even plan stuff because we randomly get moved. BUT I am thankful for getting to experience new things. As much as I DESPISE this deployment, I think it was MUCH needed for me to be alone and to figure out me and that I can make it on my own, although I'd MUCH rather have the hubs home to help. :D

So now my task is to get this school stuff underway... If I get this done, and the hubby comes home in like 5-6 weeks, my life will just be OMG great! AHHH! It seems so unbelievable thinking about how God has blessed me in my life even though I have been a royal screw up 75% of the time. I am finally starting to see things for what they are and not just pick out the negatives. Life really is too short not to embrace it and enjoy the journeys.

Off to rest and hopefully sleep so I can take care of my kiddos tomorrow. Thank goodness only a half day :D

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